莊國棟 (James Chong)
Founder & CEO
擁有戲劇評論及藝術行政的背景,也曾經經營書店、餐廳,加上在非牟利機構負責推廣世界公民教育的工作,James現在投入於社會創新的研習及實踐。2018年成立社企項目Rolling Books,同時間開始在香港中文大學修讀人類學文學碩士課程。 James參加不同的社創計劃及孵化培育課程,一方面了解社創發展的趨勢,另一方面以參與觀察研究為目標,嘗試了解參與人士的不同態度及初心。除了分析不同基金及創投的本質及限制,更加希望了解這些資源如何引發漣漪效應,影響不同持份者。 除了一直推廣閱讀,James的興趣範疇包括跑步、地方營造,以及如何以區塊鏈應用於社會創新。2023年,James在香港專業進修學校教授「社會工作與社會企業」課程。
James obtained his undergraduate degree in Computer Science in UNSW Australia. He was also trained in Arts Management; he created a theatre critics publication, produced theatre productions and eventually started a bookshop and a restaurant around the turn of the millennium.
The bookshop, called Mackie Study, didn’t survive, but it was one of the early attempts in the local industry to operate a bookshop with a multiple dimension of cultural and music events. A few years later, James joined Oxfam Hong Kong in the Development Education team, fostering global citizenship education in schools and in the parent-child sector.
In 2018, James founded Rolling Books to promote reading experience in this challenging digital age, while he became a postgraduate student of Anthropology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
2023, James is teaching and tutoring social work students in the subject of “Social Work and Social Entrepreneurship” in Hong Kong College of Technology.
Photo by: Niki Wong

林蕙芝 (Gi Lam)
Co-founder (Volunteer Role)
透過跑讀組織 Run Of Page 認識Rolling Books創辦人莊國棟。2018年參加Good Seed(好薈社)計劃,以義務工作身份共同創立Rolling Books。深盼能拓闊對破除貧窮與社會創新的視野及想像。現職本地非牟利機構之數碼媒體編輯。
Gi met James Chong at a running-and-reading initiative called Errand Run in 2016, and they started Run Of Page together to promote the joy of running and reading (together!) at different districts. In 2018, she joined Good Seed program of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and participated in the start up stage of Rolling Books with James. Intending to widen her horizon in the social innovation sector and poverty alleviation, she continues to volunteer at Rolling Books while she works as a digital media editor in a local NGO.

吳嘉慧 ( Kary Ng )
Education & Incubation Lead
Kary畢業於香港浸會大學人文及創作系,主修人文學。在2021年參加七份一書店義補活動認識了Rolling Books,及後更有機會成為其中一員。
Kary希望人人都能享受閱讀的快樂,未來繼續與Rolling Books將閱讀滾動到每個角落。
Kary graduated from the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing at Hong Kong Baptist University, majoring in Humanities. After joining voluntary work at One Seventh Bookshop in 2021, she encountered Rolling Books and became a colleague.
After joining this social enterprise, Kary has coordinated various projects and programmes related to education, art, and reading, including “Jockey Club Arts Make SENse Programme”; “Jockey Club Autism Support Network”; “Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail”; “One City One Book Hong Kong 2022”, etc.
She hopes everyone can enjoy reading and wishes to popularise it everywhere with Rolling Books in the future.

刁敏 ( Ivy Tiu )
Dreams & Marketing Lead
擁有攝影和策展的背景,Ivy 致力推廣文化及藝術活動,在 Rolling Books 中,她負責籌備由香港交易所慈善基金資助的「滾動紅的書車」、協助起動七份一辦館@安所,及支援凝聚社區等活動。
Ivy 熱心探索藝術及文化活動走進社區的可能性,在過去的經驗中,她曾協助在香港藝術中心及牛棚藝術村舉辦,混合音樂、光影、詩詞等媒體的嘉年華、以另類教育方式教導青少年攝影等活動,透過走進社區,籌劃多元化的活動,探索更多社區的想像。
Ivy 畢業於香港都會大學電影設計及數碼攝影藝術學士課程。
Ivy believes that reading is the window of wisdom and a powerful way for mind stretching. She has a strong mission to make art and cultural activities in every individual’s daily life.
She manages and supports a HKEX foundation funded project – Ro Ro Ro Your Books. Besides her work about promoting reading experience, Ivy also supports community making in the One Seventh Store @Comm,On in Sham Shui Po. Prior to Rolling Books, she worked for a Hong Kong based news media company and managed the social media platform.
With the experiences of public facing and supportive roles in different parties, Ivy hopes to bring her experience in reading and arts to the community. She teached photography to children, coordinated and curated different projects like the 2019 Graduation Show in HKMU and a multimedia festival in HKAC and Videotage.
Ivy obtained her BFA in Cinematic Design and Photographic Digital Art at the Hong Kong Metropolitan University.

楊芷瓊(Yvonne Yeung)
Education & Placemaking Officer
Yvonne畢業於嶺南大學中文系。加入Rolling Books後,Yvonne負責學校閱讀推廣的行政工作、先後協助位於深水埗及土瓜灣的七份一辦館@安所日常營運,並開始踏足出版、編輯的領域,於好薈社其下刊物《種子實驗3.0》任執行編輯。
Yvonne graduated from the Department of Chinese at Lingnan University. After joining Rolling Books, Yvonne helps with the administrative work of school promotion, assists in the operation of the One Seventh Store@Comm,On located in Sham Shui Po and To Kwa Wan. Also, she began to support publishing and editing such as working as an assistant editor on the book Seed Experiment 3.0 funded by Good Seed.
Yvonne hopes people will still believe in the power of reading.

謝采善(Priscilla Tse)
Growth & Operations Lead畢業於香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系(主修文化研究),後往臺灣新竹交通大學修畢族群與文化研究所碩士課程,專研歷史人類學及新文化史。回港後先後就業於藝團、傳媒及政府部門,並為自由業圖書編輯。加入 Rolling Books 後,她負責公司營運財務、七份一辦館@安所(深水埗)活動及課程企劃、出版項目統籌,以及由社會創新及創業發展基金資助的「車上的書:滾動閱讀推手培訓計劃」的行政支援。
Priscilla graduated with a bachelor in Cultural Studies from the CUHK and a master in the Ethnicities and Cultures Programme from Hsinchu Chiao Tung University. She served several art and media institutions and was a freelance book editor based in Hong Kong. After joining Rolling Books, she supports a spectrum of corporate operation and finance matters, curates and organises programmes and courses at the One Seventh Store@Comm,On, coordinates publication projects and provides administrative support to the project “Drive My BOOKS: Rolling Reading Drivers” funded by the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund.

鄧潔珊(Sharon Tang)
Assistant Manager, Visual & ConversationsSharon畢業於台灣國立臺北大學公共暨政策行政學系以及雙主修社會學。畢業後曾在北京台灣和香港擁有多年孵化社會創新項目的經驗,曾任職協創機構高級項目主任,幫助社創項目申請資助,熱衷於社會創新及創業領域。
2023年因參與「49份格仔書店」與Rolling Books結緣,希望透過更靈活有趣的方式推廣閱讀。目前在Rolling Book負責與社會創新有關項目,包括對外協作及籌備。
Sharon graduated from National Taipei University with a major in Public Administration and Policy and a double major in Sociology. After graduation, she gained extensive experience incubating social innovation projects in Beijing, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. She previously worked as a Senior Project Officer at an intermediary organization, helping social innovation projects secure funding. She is passionate about the field of social innovation and entrepreneurship.
In 2023, Sharon became associated with Rolling Books through her involvement with the “49 Partitioned Bookshops” project. She aims to promote reading in more flexible and engaging ways. Currently, she is responsible for social innovation-related projects at Rolling Books, including external collaboration and project preparation.

胡灼恩 (Joyce Wu)
Reading & Inclusion Lead畢業於韓國建國大學創意文化產業學士課程,回港後曾經營社區書店兼咖啡廳,營業期間以獨立書店身份參與過Rolling Books在灣仔集成中心舉行的「七份一書店狂想曲-在地小書店冬季結集」。
現時在Rolling Books負責籌備由「社會創新及創業發展基金」資助的「車上的書:流動閱讀推手培訓計劃」,與一眾「年輕長者」司機將Bobo流動書車駛入社區,把書本帶到不同角落,促進二手書的流轉,並讓大人和小朋友享受充滿新鮮感的車上閱讀體驗。
Joyce graduated from the Department of Digital Culture & Contents at Konkuk University in South Korea. After returning to Hong Kong, she ran a community bookcafe. During the business period, she participated as an independent bookstore in Rolling Books’ – One Seventh Bookshops, held at Wan Chai C.C.Wu Building.
Currently at Rolling Books, she manages a SIE foundation project – Drive My BOOKS: Rolling Reading Drivers. Together with a group of young old drivers, drive the mobile book truck Bobo into the community and deliver books. Take it to different corners to promote the circulation of second-hand books and allow adults and children to have a novel reading experience on the book truck.
(The above is listed according to the onboard dates)