- 「南涌廚房書房:依山而煮,傍水而讀」
- Cook. Book in Nam Chung
此項目與妳想煮意( Festyle) 及活耕建養地協會—南涌合作,展開一系列的城鄉連繫親子活動,將於新界東北的南涌發生。由社區婦女參與引領,在南涌的山水之間指導親子朋友準備食材,烹煮一頓在地美食,了解食材與城市人的緊密關聯。
Cooking and Reading have been conditioned as urban experience. At the beautiful and resourceful North-Eastern corner of the New Territories, Nam Chung is situated at the end the Wilson Trail, next to the inner sea of Sha Tau Kok, and yet, the secret suburban oasis prevails.
We aim to bring in urban families to explore their cooking and reading experience at the picturesque scene of Nam Chung, for its unique taste of the agricultural practice; we connect urban dwellers to discover their taste buds and their reading experience to the water and soil of the rural marvel.