- 「童書庇護所」
- Children Books Matter: Books for Asylum Seekers children
此項目由SDG Action Fund, Campus Planning and Sustainability Office, CUHK資助,Rolling Books透過搜集社區內的愛心英文圖書,轉贈與滯留在港,但不能在香港公共圖書館借書閱讀的尋求庇護家庭兒童,讓他們在家中也能尋找閱讀童書的樂趣。
Asylum Seeker children in Hong Kong are severely underprivileged in terms of quality education. They can attend schools, however, textbooks, tutorials and extra-curriculum activities costs are far from their affordable range for quality education to be achieved. They can use public libraries, however, they do not have the library cards to borrow books from public libraries for the fun of reading and learning at their own pace.
Our Intervention:
Collection and redistribution of 2nd hand English/ Chi-Eng bilingual books to asylum seekers children for their reading at their own time.
Supported by: SDG Action Fund, Campus Planning and Sustainability Office, CUHK